At St. Brigid and Assumption Parish we offer Faith Formation Education and
Sacrament preparation for all ages from Pre-K through adults. Our Program for children and young people has a wholistic approach that includes our Parish Program, the students’ family, and our Parish community of faith. These 3 components are designed to work together to provide a meaningful and worthwhile faith education program that engages the hearts, heads, and hands of our students.
Pre-K -- Kindergarten Program – Little Lambs
Little Lambs takes place during the 9 am Family Mass. The content of this program are the
readings proclaimed during Mass. The children will hear the readings/gospel in an
age-appropriate manner and have an activity related to them.
After the opening prayer of the Mass, children ages 3 through kindergarten are invited
to gather at the front of the Church and after receiving the blessing of the community are
dismissed to go their class. Children return to their families following the homily.
Grades 1 through 6 -Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts – {Loyola Press}
The Finding God program from Loyola Press is rooted in Scripture, Catholic doctrine,
Ignatian spirituality, and Catholic social teachings; inviting students to deepen their
faith in Jesus Christ in the Church.
Community Service – All Grades
In addition to classes and sacrament prep sessions, students participate in service projects
and community building activities including: Thanksgiving food drive and filling of baskets for
those in need; Giving Tree Christmas Gift Program,; Veterans Sock Drive; “Souper Bowl” of Caring; Mother’s Day Shower for Visitation House; Millbury Chain of Lights; service to the community for Seasonal Liturgies; community building events including French Toast Breakfasts; Parish Meals, etc.; and our annual CSAW – Christian Servants at Work – summer program for high school students.
Sacrament Prep – God’s Gift: Eucharist and Reconciliation – {Loyola Press)
Preparation for the sacraments of Eucharist (Grade 2) and Penance and Reconciliation
(Grade 4) take place throughout the year. The preparation includes learning songs of the faith, praying together, gathering with the community each week and weekly attendance at Mass, prayer, music, and enrichment activities and service opportunities that support and enhance the lessons of faith,and an afternoon retreat for each grade.
Grades 7 & 8 – Called to Be Catholic: Essentials of the Catholic Faith – {Loyola Press}
Called to Be Catholic is a highly flexible resource that provides young people ages 12-15 with a
comprehensive introduction to the essentials and key teachings of the Catholic faith. Grades 7 & 8
include an experiential service component rooted in the Corporal Works of Mercy.
Grade 9 through Confirmation – Chosen: Your Journey toward Confirmation – {Ascension Press}
This program provides your children a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Catholic
Faith but also win over their hearts at this critical time in their lives. The program has been carefully designed to address and answer your child’s fundamental questions about life and to challenge them to embrace faith in their lives. The Sacrament of Confirmation for ready and prepared candidates is celebrated in the spring.
Young Ministers Program
This program enhances the Faith Formation of children and young people who are prepared
to serve as Lectors, Altar Servers, Greeters and Collectors at weekly Liturgies.
We offer the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults for people are considering entering the
Catholic Church and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation -- Baptism, Eucharist,
and Confirmation to become full members the Church. We also offer RCIA for adults who have been Baptized but did not receive the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation and want to complete their full initiation into the Church.